Who We Are

We Improve Your
Experience Day by Day

About Us

Welcome to Omonde, the architect of the digital future. We are shaping the era of Web3 with our unique system, the AVM (Amplified Virtual Machine), and our gateway currency, USDX, propelling every interaction towards innovation.

Economic and Social Commitment:
Addressing the issue of non-banking, Omonde provides investment opportunities to increase the income of small businesses, thus solving financial problems holistically.

Reduced Unemployment through Affiliation:
Our economic model, reinforced by an affiliate system, generates passive income for users, encouraging them to create micro-enterprises and start-ups, contributing to unemployment resolution.

Artificial Intelligence and Innovation:
By integrating AI tools, we offer a space for research, training, and foster self-education. Our ambition is to create innovative websites that meet the real specificities and needs of our community.

Join us in this digital adventure where every interaction matters, propelling progress and opportunity.

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